A solid 3 bedroom post war home

A solid 3 bedroom post war home

Ref #:2300GALA

Enoggera, QLDShow on the map

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From $118900*
Delivered and Re-stumped within 100klms

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0401 693 494

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A solid post war home consisting of 3 bedrooms, a living space with kitchen/meals area, and an internal laundry. The original features of the period are retained including ornate cornice, and some timber windows and security screens. The coorigated iron roof and gutters are in good condition.This is a quality home throughout. It’s accepted in most councils as a second dwelling on your land.


  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Living Areas: 1
  • Dining Areas:
  • Listing Status:For Sale
  • Approx m2:91
  • Location:Enoggera, QLD, 4051

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Use this calculator to estimate extra costs (if any) for delivery to locations beyond 100klms, to Moreton Bay Islands, or to New South Wales. Estimates do not include extra costs associated with sloping sites, difficult sites or soil conditions, building authorities, road transport authorities or government regulations or restrictions. Allowances and estimates assume delivery via the shortest route which may not be suitable and in any event is subject to route survey. Concrete or terracotta roof tiles may not be supplied, delivered or reinstalled at the discretion of contractor. Pricing may change at any time. No pricing is valid until confirmed by a formal written quote.

Enoggera, QLD

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David Fair

0401 693 494

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