Removal Homes are conventional houses not originally designed for relocation but able to be relocated with specialised house removal equipment and expertise. Removal Houses originate from redevelopment sites, road construction, resumptions and sites where the owners want to build a replacement home sometimes called knock down rebuild projects. They are commonly older timber homes such as Queenslanders, Colonials and Post War homes, but can also be homes of later periods built with brick veneer, stucco, fibro, or indeed any type of home built on a platform timber floor.
Removal Homes are transported wholly or cut into sections as required. Although it is possible to move homes built on concrete slabs, this is usually avoided because of the considerable costs and practical concerns involved.
Unfortunately, many homes do not suit relocation for various reasons and end up demolished to make way for redevelopment. Fortunately, however, a large number of homes are saved and recycled by removal and Drake are committed to furthering that cause.
Transportable and Relocatable Homes
Homes and buildings that are designed and built for relocation are usually referred to as "Transportable" or "Relocatable" and these are generally built and relocated in relatively narrow sections (under 4.5m wide) which can be carried over larger distances than Removal Homes using more conventional transport methods.
Homes built with transport in mind can be easier to relocate, but often lack the look and feel of a traditional home and tend to be easily identifiable as a relocatable.
These types of homes can be found in backyards (used as Granny Flats for example), in relocatable home parks, caravan parks, large-scale resort type developments, schools and remote area camps and communities etc.